More opportunities to win Tickets to CHS Field and Ideas for This Weekend

Published: Thu, 07/14/16

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These past weeks have been heavy.  I've been shaken to my very core. I've had some difficult conversations with my kids.  They didn't all go well.  I think my kids left more confused than when I started.  I should have used Joy's article Eight Skils for Talking to Your Kids About Race as a guide. It was written last year after the Baltimore disaster.  When you read the article, replace Baltimore with Philando's name and it's very relevent.

During this heavy time, it's importnat to make some memories with our families. Making memories can be a lot of work, or it can be creating simple traditions.  

Normally, I don't want things to be too much effort, but this past week, we decided to try making homemade ice cream.  You can check out our pictures on instagram.

The St. Paul Saints Sponsored GiveawayDon't miss this month's giveaway sponsored by the St. Paul Saints.

Interested in checking out CHS Field for free?  Wanna hang out with the FFTC Family?

The St. Paul Saints is giving away a Family Four-Pack to one lucky subscriber to the All-Start Game on Tuesday, August 2!

To enter, you need to be a subscriber to Family Planning and reply to one of the three emails sent and answer a question:

What is your favorite place to cool off in the summer?

On Wednesday, July 27, we will choose a winner and in the July 28 newsletter, the winner will be announced.

Happening TODAY!  Come see us!!!!

Here are some simple traditions that we have started.

Don't miss out what is happening this summer!

Eat Local Farm Tour

Tot Time Open Swim